Every once and a while I get something across my desk that makes me "toot our own horn".
A letter, written by a client's daughter came across my desk last week. Her father passed away at the end of July and she put her thoughts in a sweet note to our staff Jennifer.
August 31, 2010
Dear Jennifer, {Jennifer is our nurse}
As you no doubt know by now, my father, **, passed away in July.
I will never forget the kind and patient manner in which you work with our family (a year ago this week) at the kitchen table of my parents' home. That was a hard day for them; they had to make arrangements for things they never anticipated, and they needed to do it quickly. Given that, I can't imagine anyone better suited for working with them at that point than you.
Thanks so much for all the great care you and your team provided; may each of you be blessed abundantly by our good Lord in return.
I gave this note back to Jennifer so that she is reminded of how important her job is and what a great job she does for us!